Enter now

To register and start your entry, please use the button below. If you have previously registered, please login on the right-hand side.

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Abdullah Waqas on 020 3953 2648 or email Abdullah.Waqas@emap.com.  

The entry deadline for the Student Nursing Times Awards is 12 January 2024. The winners will be announced at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House Hotel, London on 26 April 2024.

Why enter

By entering the Student Nursing Times Awards, you will be part of the most prestigious awards for students and nurse educators, enjoying not only with recognition in a glittering afternoon ceremony, but also a whole host of other benefits you might not realise.

What can winning a Student Nursing Times award do for you as a student?

  • Be part of an elite crowd of award winners: join the Student Nursing Times Awards winners' club; raise your profile and become one to watch at the start of your career!
  • Give your CV a boost: set yourself apart from the crowd and open yourself up to exciting career opportunities – some students even walk away from the day with a job offer and speaking opportunities across our events
  • Recognise your potential: everyone needs validation at times and what better confirmation you’re on the right path than a Student Nursing Times award?
  • Make a name for yourself: network with important figures in the nursing community and take hold of your future career path
  • Gain extensive coverage: across our magazine, online and social media before and after the event
  • And that's not all, our individual award winners will also receive a year's free subscription to Nursing Times

What can winning a Student Nursing Times award do for your organisation?

  • Position your organisation at the top: join the Student Nursing Times Awards winners' club; and position your organisation as the best place to study nursing or for providing placements
  • Recognise your staff: pay tribute to those who go the extra mile for students and celebrate their success
  • Show your dedication: highlight your commitment to the future of the nursing profession and attract more nurses to your organisation
  • Reward your students: we all know that a successful organisation breeds successful students – make sure you celebrate their achievements

So don’t delay, start your entry as soon as possible!

Please note that live judging for the shortlist takes place between the 11-20 March 2024 at our London offices

NT Headquarters

Harmsworth House
13 – 15 Bouverie Street

Hints and tips

The Student Nursing Times Awards are now open for entries!

Before you start your entry, take a look at our hints and tips below to ensure that your submission is your best work and you have the best chance of making the shortlist:

  • Make a note of the deadline: you must submit your entry by Friday 12 January 2024   . To make sure you have this date in mind – write it in your diary, on your calendar or set notifications on your phone to ensure you don't miss the chance to enter your excellent work
  • Preparation is key: now that you know the deadline, allow yourself plenty of time to write, develop and submit your entry. Coming back to it with a fresh pair of eyes can help you remember important details that may be the difference between being shortlisted and just missing out
  • Make the judges' job easy: write in clear, plain English, avoid jargon and use bullet points where appropriate to break up the text
  • Align your entry with the criteria: create your account, or login with your email and password used to create your account if you have already done so. Select ‘Enter Now’ against the category you wish to view where the criteria will be displayed.  If you wish to start your entry at this point any information you add will be autosaved and you can login to complete the rest of the entry at any time.
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling: poorly presented entries lack credibility. Don't lose out on being shortlisted on something you could have easily avoided!
  • Involve the right people: if your work was a team effort, don’t forget to involve the other team members in developing the entry. You've got this far through teamwork so make it count
  • Back-up your entry: take advantage of the option to attach documents to support your entry with useful information such as audit data, cost analyses, patient experience survey results, documentation you have designed or anything else that will help the judges to understand the impact of your work
  • Consider entering more than one category: You can enter another category by selecting the category you wish to enter from the ‘Categories’ section.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread: ask someone else, such as a colleague, friend or manager, to look through your entry before you submit. It can be helpful to ask someone who was not directly involved in the work you are entering, like the judges they will not have detailed knowledge so they could suggest ways to clarify your entry
  • Still having trouble entering? Contact Abdullah Waqas on 020 3953 2648 or email Abdullah.Waqas@emap.com who can help.

So don’t delay, start your entry as soon as possible!

Start your entry today