
Our prestigious judges feature some of the top figures in the education and healthcare sectors alongside a number of past award winners.

They will assess your work in a rigorous judging process, reading every entry before creating our shortlist. Those shortlisted will then get the chance to present to our panel face-to-face to convince them why they should win the award!

The judges dedicate their time and energy to the awards, with many returning to help us every year. We just want to say a huge thank you to our judging panel for their hard work and commitment.

Nursing associate
Somerset Foundation NHS Trust

I was honoured to be a winner in 2022. I now work as a Nursing Associate at Musgrove Park Hospital and am proud to have completed my degree and be putting my skills into practice.

Leadership consultant

Sharon is an Independent Consultant specialising in leadership alongside a portfolio career stretching from organisational development, senior board consultancy and the development of bespoke leadership programmes. She previously worked as a Director of Nursing Programmes (Leadership) at the Queen’s Nursing Institute, where she developed both the Aspiring and Executive nurse leadership programmes. She has a clinical background in district nursing and specialist nursing, including Macmillan nursing. She has twelve years’ experience as an academic when she was a Senior Lecturer in a university teaching education and community nursing. Sharon is a Queen’s Nurse and was awarded an MBE for services to community nursing in the 2022 Queen’s Birthday Honours list.

Chief nurse and director of integrated professions
University Hospitals Plymouth

Currently Chief nursing officer and Director of integrated professions for University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust. With over 27 years’ experience across many Healthcare settings and has worked at an Executive level for the last 9 years, Darryn has also been the Strategic Nursing Officer for the Nightingale Exeter and Senior responsible officer for Covid vaccination programme through the pandemic.

Associate director for nursing & midwifery

Jennifer Allison is an Associate Director of Nursing and Midwifery at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) She is Led Research Matron supporting strategic initiatives at University Hospitals Southampton NHS FT. On the Senior Management Team of the NIHR UKCRF Network, she is Workforce/Education Work Package Lead, building and maximising relationships across the UK and Ireland Clinical Research Facility infrastructure. Jennifer is the immediate Past- President of the International Association of Clinical Research Nurses and was presented with their Distinguished Clinical Research Nurse Award in 2011. She has a wealth of experience in articulating the unique contribution that clinical research nurses and their teams make to global healthcare in publications and national/international presentations.

Senior lecturer school of health and wellbeing
Plymouth Marjon University

I am Senior Lecturer at Marjon Univeristy having previously worked 17 years as Neurocritical Care Nurse. Shortlisted last year for University Educator of the year. I am passionate about teaching sustainablilty with a particalar focus on using simulation to develop sustainable knowledge and skills. My ongoing work inlcudes improving simulation practice to reduce environmental impact. I have completed research on carbon emissions in simulation and co-lead the ASPiH sustainability special interest group.

Professional lead adult nursing and associate professor in learning & teaching
University of Hertfordshire

Irene is the Professional Lead for Adult Nursing and Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching at the University of Hertfordshire Irene is also a Principal Lecturer in Tissue Viability with a particular interest in leg ulcer management, and runs the Leg Ulcer course at the university. She is currently researching the nature of competent practice in the management of people with leg ulcers. Irene is a trustee and past Chair of the national Leg Ulcer Forum and is also trustee for the UK charity Romania Ostomy Patients’ Support Foundation.

Pro vice-chancellor and dean of the college of health, psychology and social care
University of Derby

Denise Baker is PVC Dean of the College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby. She worked nationally on developing the nurse degree apprenticeship and led the introduction of the largest national cohort of nursing associates to the University in 2017. Through her research into apprenticeships, Denise has advised the NMC and The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education as well as central government.

Associate dean, education and student experience
London South Bank University

Dr Josephine NwaAmaka Bardi is a registered mental health nurse and the Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the London South Bank University. In 2015, she founded the campaign to Raise Awareness of Mental Health in Higher Education (RAMHHE©), a student engagement strategy for wider participation. Josephine is an anthropologist with expertise in community, social, and pedagogical psychiatry. She is a mentor and motivational speaker advocating for inclusive and compassionate universities focused on positive student experiences and driven by the students’ voices as the foundation for learning and teaching strategies.

Former senior lecturer in midwifery/ vice-president

An experienced midwifery academic with a credible track record of midwifery practice and teaching. Her interests are numerous but have particular interest in pregnancy and early foetal loss; domestic violence; social and cultural issues associated with childbearing in the African-Caribbean population; mentoring; coaching and healthcare management. Maurina also has training and experience in employment mediation and holds a Medical Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Maurina has a range of voluntary sector work experience including Fernandez Hospital in Hyderabad, India and raising awareness of the Management of Obstetric Emergencies, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Health Promotion in Ghana. Currently a Consultant Midwifery Advisor, Action Learning Set facilitator and Vice President - CNMA(UK) Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Open University Health, Nursing and Social Work. A mentor working with Madrinha Trust, which is a small charity hoping to make a big difference, whose objective is the relief of poverty, globally, through the advancement of education.

Lead research matron
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

Lisa is Lead Research Matron at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust. She provides oversight and strategic leadership to research nursing teams across the Trust, ensuring that complex and early phase studies are delivered to an excellent clinical standard and comply with required research legislation and governance. Lisa is a member of the NIHR UK Clinical Research Facility Network (UKCRFN) and Chair of the UKCRFN Intensity Theme Group. She is a Nursing Times Award winner and a double PharmaTimes Award winner.

Associate deputy head of school – people and culture
University of Nottingham

Dr Sharon Black has worked in higher education for the last 20 years, in a variety of academic and leadership roles, in a number of Universities. She has supported many students through their studies at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. Sharon is currently Associate Deputy Head of School (People and Culture), School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham.

Independent consultant nurse learning disabilities

Jim is currently an Independent Consultant Nurse Learning Disabilities, Associate Professor Intellectual (Learning) Disabilities at Kingston University and St Georges’ University of London, Chair/Clinical Advisor Learning Disabilities NHS England for Care Treatment Reviews, Panel Member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Fitness to Practice Panel, Member of the Learning Disability Nursing National Shared decision-Making Council, Chair of the Royal College of Nursing London Board. Jim is a Patron of Dance Syndrome www.dancesyndrome.co.uk and is on the editorial board of www.intellectualdisability.info 2013-2018 Consultant Nurse Learning Disabilities Great Ormond Street hospital 2008-2013 Consultant Nurse Learning Disabilities at St.George’s Hospital in London. Jim has been the Learning Disability Advisor to the Sates of Guernsey as well as Jersey. Jim is a past President Royal Society of Medicine’s council for the Forum on Intellectual Disability and has been Vice Chairman of Special Olympics Great Britain. Jim has been an Expert Advisor to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman; a Specialist Clinical Advisor to the Care Quality Commission and Clinical Lead Health Inequalities at NHS England.

Senior nursing education adviser
Nursing and Midwifery Council

Julie was appointed as an NMC Senior Nursing Education Adviser in July 2023.

Julie is a Registered Adult Nurse (General), Specialist Practitioner – District Nursing, and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.  Julie has a wealth of experience in higher education working with practice learning partners and students to deliver NMC programmes for nursing and midwifery alongside continuing professional development of registrants. 

Julie was Chair of the Association of District Nurse and Community Nurse Educators (ADNE) for 7 years, stepping down in June 2023.  Julie is proud to be a Queen's Nurse and is a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Community Nursing

Chief nurse
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS TRust

Karen is the Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. In her qualified nursing career, Karen has worked in several large, complex NHS organisations in London. She holds a diploma, a BSc (Hons) in Nursing and an MSc in advanced practice leadership from Kings College University. She graduated from the NHS Leadership Academy Senior Leaders and Nye Bevan programme and the Leadership College for Government Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) accelerated programme. From 2017 until 2021 Karen was a member of the National Health Service (NHS) Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) strategic advisory group and was highly commended by the Nursing Times in 2019 for her work in diversity and inclusion. She was recognised by the Health Service Journal (HSJ) in October 2021 and 2022 as one of the 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health and in 2023 Karen was recognised in the top 10. To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the NHS, Nursing Times recognised Karen as one of the 75 nurses who have positively shaped the NHS over the past 75 years Karen has recently become a member of the General Advisory Council at the King’s Fund. In a capacity as a volunteer, Karen works with Prostate Cancer UK, to educate and raise awareness of the disease. She is also a Trustee at Helpforce, which seeks to bolster volunteering in health and social care and in 2022, her work was recognised as a Burdett Hero by the Burdett Trust for Nursing. Karen is also a member of the Nurse Executive Council at the Beryl Institute whose work establishes a global community of practice on improving the patient experience. Karen is passionate and privileged to be a nurse.

Senior lecturer in nursing (mental health)
University of Derby

Kelly qualified as a mental health nurse in 2012. During her career, she has worked in a variety of settings including secure services, private sector and CAMHS but settled into Adult Community Mental Health in the NHS. Here, she completed her Non-Medical Prescriber training and offered Outpatient Clinic appointments. Kelly transitioned into Education in 2019 at the University of Derby and has been Module Leader for the Practice Assessment Module in Stage 2. She loves seeing students learn and progress and enjoying planning and delivering SIM as part of her module. Special interests around pharmacology, communication skills and trauma-informed care.

Head of clinical care and education
St Marys hospice

Currently working as a manager at a local hospice. I have spent my entire working life in the NHS, or healthcare education. I am passionate about innovation, and so have loved judging this category and listening to all the fantastic work going on around the UK

Apprentice assessor
Leeds Beckett University
Director and associate pro vice chancellor student experience
Buckinghamshire New University
Reader in nursing
Leeds Beckett University

Dr Sarah Burden is a Registered Nurse (Adult), Reader in Nursing Education at Leeds Beckett University (LBU), and Advance HE Senior Fellow. Sarah is experienced in delivering nursing education in Higher Education settings and in partnership with a diverse range of health and social care providers. Her specific interests focus on research methods, doctoral supervision, staff development, practice education, end of life care and dementia. She also contributes to the Advance HE PSF Fellowship programme at LBU. She has been the Chair of the RCN Education Forum (2020-2023) and contributed to publications, strategy development and conference organisation in this role.

Senior charge nurse in critical care
Manchester Royal Infirmary Intensive Therapy Unit

Prior to studying Nursing have a background in Neuroscience and research. I have worked as qualified as a nurse for 9 years in Cardiology and Intensive care and I am currently a Ward Manager in Adult Critical Care at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. I won the Student Nursing Times Practice Supervisor of the year award in 2020 and have been lucky enough to have been asked to be a judge on the panel every year since!

Independent healthcare consultant
Carter Consulting

Peter was CEO of the Central & North West London NHS Trust for 12 years and the CEO of the RCN for 9 years. During his time at the RCN membership rose from 390,000 to 435,000 and the College won numerous awards including being in the Sunday Times Top 100 companies to work for. Among many initiatives Peter was a member of the Crown Commission that devised the policy for Non-Medical prescribing which led to the implementation of nurse prescribing Since leaving the RCN he has worked as an Independent Healthcare Consultant in the UK and internationally

Practice development facilitator
Foundation of Nursing Studies

Grace is a qualified Mental Health Nurse. During her career to date she has worked in a variety of settings including a specialist therapeutic unit, acute mental health care and most recently a community mental health team. Up until 2019 Grace also worked with the University of Nottingham as a Research Associate. This opportunity led to Grace being involved in developing and evaluating Resilience Based Clinical Supervision. Grace currently works for the Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) as the Resilience Based Clinical Supervision Programme Manager/Lead Facilitator.

Chief nursing officer
Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West ICB

Rachael Corser is the Chief Nursing Officer for the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB). She has worked across complex health and care settings in acute, community, integrated and independent healthcare sectors. She is passionate about delivering nursing, midwifery, and allied health professional excellence at all levels, striving for international recognition of excellence in nursing practice. Rachael is also a Trustee for the Burdett Nursing Trust, is a Florence Nightingale Foundation Scholar and a Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire and has published in the nursing literature Rachael is passionate about delivering nursing, midwifery and allied health professional excellence at all levels, striving for international recognition of excellence in nursing practice. Nurturing and growing talent, enhancing the well-being of the workforce, and embedding excellence in practice with a personal commitment to research, transformation, innovation and improvement is what motivates and energises Rachael. Rachael is a Trustee for the Burdett Nursing Trust, is a Florence Nightingale Foundation Scholar and a Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow at the University of Hertfordshire and has published in the nursing literature.

Operational manager for the virtual centre for clinical education and professional development
Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust

Debbie Cromack (RN, MA) works as the Learning, Education and Nursing Development Manager at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. With a career history spanning Older Adult Nursing, Intermediate Care and quality improvement she has spent the last 12 years within the education arena within a Mental Health and integrated community nursing service provider. Passionate about nuturing and supporting learners in a gold standard practice learning environment which enables them to flourish, she has been involved in developing a number of teaching innovations including virtual community placements and blended learning packages. As Operational Preceptorship Lead she has been enabled the support of early career nurses through the development of a 12 month InsideOut transitional support package and leads on the implementation of the Nursing Now Nightingale Challenge leadership programme. As a Queens Nurse she is committed to learning, leadership and excellence in community nursing and promoting nursing as a career with young people as a Nurse Ambassador .

Senior clinical lead mental health, learning disabilities and autism
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board

Rebecca is a proud Learning Disability Nurse whose career spans over 25 yrs. Rebecca has worked with people with learning disabilities since she was 14 yrs. old where she started as a befriender. It was here she quickly decided that a career in Learning Disabilities Nursing was how she wanted to progress. Rebecca has worked in various NHS services for adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism and associated health conditions in Acute, Community, Residential and Voluntary sector. Rebecca has worked as an Acute Liaison Specialist Learning Disability Nurse with and for patients who have learning disabilities and/or Autism who access acute services at the James Paget university Hospital. During her time in this role she was nationally recognized for her work of championing for equity observed first hand through creating the first ever accessible vaccine clinic and VIP theatre pathway. Much of Rebecca’s work has been published and has been shared nationally and internationally. This includes involvement with National and regional guidance, and more recently the National Vaccine Guidance for people with Learning Disabilities and Autism. Rebecca work has also included specialist clinical advisor and associate lecturer roles ensuring the next generation of nurses have a strong understanding in meeting the needs across the life span of people with learning disabilities and Autistic people and families. Her current role for Norfolk and Waveney ICB is the Senior Clinical Lead Children and Young People with Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism, where she continues to champion equity of access to services through strategic commissioning.

Senior lecturer
London South Bank University

Bio A Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing, I joined the LSBU family in 2009 having been a Practice Educator and Advanced Nurse practitioner prior to this. I have wide and varied experiences as a registered nurse and educator. My clinical background includes neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery/ facial trauma and chronic facial pain management. I am a former Course Director for BSc Adult Nursing at LSBU. I teach on both Pre and post-registration Courses I have an education and research interest in chronic disease and palliative and end-of-life care. I am a Senior Lecturer at London South Bank University.

Director of student engagement, satisfaction and employability
University of Essex

Thomas Currid has worked at various levels in clinical, educational, and managerial roles in the NHS, prior to embarking on an academic career. Thomas is currently the Head of Nursing and Director of Student Engagement, Satisfaction and Employability at the University of Essex. Whilst he continues to teach and undertake the role of Academic Assessor to undergraduate students, at Post Graduate level, he supervises Professional Doctorate and PhD students. His current research includes the experience of international nurses, and he is the Co-Principal Investigator for a study that explores the fundamentals of care for people living with Dementia. Other research and practice interests include, Public Mental Health, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacogenetics and Workforce Planning, Education and Training. Thomas is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, member of the Mental Health Nurse Academics, member of the Royal College of Nursing and is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a registered nurse, registered teacher and specialist practitioner. In 2013, he was awarded the Exceptional Support beyond Teaching award at London South Bank University and in 2016 was awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Services

Interim dean
Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education. Kingston University

Kathy Curtis is a Professor of Professional Development and the Dean of the Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education at Kingston University. Her career started in the NHS as a critical care nurse where she gained over 20 years of clinical experience running a busy intensive care unit in London. She then moved into academia and has been a leader in higher education since 2003. She has a keen interest in developing high quality education for the future NHS workforce and has co-designed many new education initiatives with employers

National nursing lead for primary and community care
Aneurin Bevan UHB

Chiquita Cusens is the National Nurse Lead for Primary & Community Care working with the Strategic Programme for Primary Care. She has extensive clinical and operational experience within community health and social care, identifying new ways of working, developing and transforming services. Chiquita is passionate about the role Nurses have in leading and enabling care for individuals to stay at or close to home, at both an individual, neighbourhood and system level. Chiquita has a special interest in end of life care, the role of nurses within multi professional teams and nurses influence in developing services based on population need

Associate professor in children's nursing
Staffordshire University

Dr Fiona Cust is an Associate Professor at Staffordshire University in Children's Nursing and Collaborative Practice. She is an RGN, RN (Child), and a Health Visitor. Prior to moving into academia, Fiona worked in a variety of settings as a children's nurse - predominantly paediatric intensive care and accident and emergency with a specialist interest in cardiothoracics. As a Health Visitor, she specialised in safeguarding and child protection and worked for several years with the homeless and travelling communities. Her current interests are focused upon student mental health, peer support, interprofessional education and collaboration, simulated learning, and peer to peer teaching.

Associate director of nursing
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

Colette has over thirty years’ experience working as a senior nurse leader across north London in paediatrics, children and young people. She is a passionate, committed, collaborative and innovative nurse leader with a strong and successful track record in strategic leadership as well as operational management across hospital and community services. Through her personal commitment and inspirational leadership, she works collaboratively and tirelessly to improve the quality of patient care, experience and safety. As a Florence Nightingale (FNF) Leadership Scholar (2019), her clinical and strategfic leadership has been publicly recognised, being awarded the Nursing Times Nurse Leader of the Year (2018) a PENNA national patient experience Award (2019) and an honorary MBE in (2022) for services to nursing. She is committed to supporting the development of other nurse colleagues through teaching and mentoring.

Past master
The Worshipful Company of Nurses

Fran trained as a Registered Nurse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital School of Nursing following which she qualified as Registered Midwife. Her clinical career has included experience across primary, secondary, and tertiary care as a District Nurse, Clinical Nurse Specialist in breast cancer and as a clinical and operational manager in various Trusts in London. She also spent two years within the charitable sector managing a large community workforce delivering end of life care. Before retirement Fran worked in London for NHS Improvement as a Quality Improvement Director which involved working closely with London trusts to support their quality agenda. She is now currently a Non-Executive Director at CSH Surrey which is a Social Enterprise Community provider, and a Non-Executive Director at Accelerate CIC which provides wound care and lymphoedema services. During her career she successfully completed a first and second degree, the latter focusing on cancer nursing. As part of her studies she obtained a scholarship to travel to Canada to research their approach to patient engagement and experience in cancer care. Fran is a Founder Warden, Past Master of The Worshipful Company of Nurses, and a trustee of The Company of Nurses Charitable Trust. Fran is passionate about clinical care and ensuring that patients and their carers receive high quality and safe care. She is also the Wellbeing Guardian at CSH Surrey and firmly believes that our people are the most valuable asset within the NHS and that a healthy and happy workforce delivers better care.

Msci course leader and senior lecturer
Birmingham City University

Helen is currently the MSci nursing course leader at Birmingham City University. Clinical background is in paediatric Haematology/Oncology for 7 years and Clinical Education. Helen is the co-founder of Nurse Academics UK - a twitter network for nursing academics.

Registered nursing associate
SWLSTG Mental Health Trust

I am a registered nursing associate, working for SWLSTG mental health trust for almost 3 years. Previously working for the trust security, however I desired further involvement in patient care and supporting nurses and doctors regarding physical health concerns. I pride myself on being a service user advocate. I've have been fortunate enough to win frontline clinician of the year within my trust and i am a winner of a student nursing times award.

Wellbeing resource coordinator
Defence Medical Welfare Service

Hi, my name is Dorothy, and I was fortunate to win a Student Nursing Times Award. This was a great honour and a privilege. For the last 9 years I have worked for my local mental health trust Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (LPFT). The trust enabled me to complete my training and have supported me to gain the knowledge and confidence so I can offer my service users excellent evidence-based care. In June I decided to broaden my skill set and joined Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS) as a wellbeing support coordinator. This role is diverse and involves providing wellbeing support to RAF Personnel and Police Federation employees. I am extremely excited to be part of the 2024 judging panel and look forward to reading the nominations and meeting the candidates invited for interview.

School apprenticeship manager
University of Bolton

I qualified as a Registered Adult Nurse in 2009. The main part of my nursing career has been in the Prison Service where I completed my Non-Medical Prescribing and MSc Clinical Practice. I joined the University of Bolton in 2018 teaching on the Trainee Nursing Associate (Higher Apprenticeship Route) Programme, completing my Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Professional Practice whilst in this role. I currently work as the Apprenticeship Manager for the School of Nursing and Midwifery and I am studying for my Professional Doctorate in Health and Social Care.

Senior lecturer in midwifery
Middlesex university

Emilie Edwards is a senior lecturer in Midwifery at Middlesex University and neurodiversity advocate. She believes that listening to the lived experiences of neurodivergent and disabled people is essential to drive coherent, consistent, and concrete changes within institutions and companies, which is essential in eliminating discrimination. Emilie has also worked with accessibility and neurodiversity networks in Higher Education Institutions and the NHS to improve support for neurodivergent colleagues, students, and service users. Her tireless dedication to improving accessibility and neurodivergence acceptance have led to a profile in teaching and learning, that has seen her recognised in achieving institutional and national awards for neurodiversity advocacy, including A Student Nursing Times Award and the RCM Excellence in Midwifery for Leadership Award 23. Her work has also seen her included in the Top 50 Influential Neurodivergent Women 2023 and nominated for the National Diversity Awards and the Times Higher Education Awards.

Matron for practice development
Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Director of nursing & midwifery

Professor Ruth Endacott was appointed inaugural Director of Nursing and Midwifery at the National Institute for Heath and Care Research (NIHR) in May 2021. In this newly created post, Ruth has responsibility for providing professional leadership for nurses and midwives who are supporting, delivering or leading research, promoting nursing and midwifery within the NIHR and beyond, and encouraging more professionals to become involved in research. Ruth is Emeritus Professor at Monash University, Melbourne and Trustee/Director at the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC).

Mental health nurse
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust

My name is Elizabeth, I'm a community psychiatric nurse. I enjoy working with different people, engaging with different stories throughout my work. I'm a great advocate of mental health nursing. I'm always happy to meet new people and be part of their recovery journey. I believe that everyone has a story and this makes us who we are, working always towards recovery, never quitting, even when tired. Keep going colleagues you're all doing a wonderful job.

Deputy chief nurse

Liz Fenton (MSc, BSC (Hons), RN, QN) joined Health Education England in July 2015 and become HEE’s Deputy Chief Nurse in October 2017. Having completed nurse training at Kings College Hospital, London, Liz qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1981 and subsequently held a number of clinical and leadership roles in both acute and community settings including at board level. Liz was awarded the title Queens Nurse in 2017. Passionate about quality improvement Liz works with the Care Quality Commission as a Specialist Advisor and is also a surveyor undertaking national and international peer accreditation, benchmarking services against best practice most recently in Braga and is the chair of the CHKS Accreditation Council.

Nursing sustainability lead and professional lead for infection prevention and control

Rose leads the Royal College’s professional nursing contribution to action on climate change. She is proud to be an Executive member and Trustee of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change and works at the local, national and international level to enable the contribution and actions of nursing on this critical issue.

Associate head of school, nursing and health professions
The Open University

Rebecca is a Registered Nurse (adult) and Chartered Psychologist. Rebecca joined the OU in 2019 and is currently the Associate Head of School, Nursing and the Health Professions. She is also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an external examiner in post-graduate nurse education. Her career has centred on public health and chronic diseases, working in primary care roles including as a Clinical Nurse Specialist (respiratory) and has been employed within the pharmaceutical industry in a leadership and training role. Rebecca has also worked in academia in both research and education roles. Rebecca’s PhD centred on health psychology looking at health beliefs/behaviours, inequalities, and intersectionality in Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British women in Luton, to understand factors relating to stillbirth and perinatal mortality.

District nurse team manager/senior lecturer
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust/Buckinghamshire New University

I qualified as an RN from UCH in 1988. I then worked in hospitals until 1990 when I joined community nursing. I have worked as a RN, District Nurse Team Manager, Specialist Community Practice Teacher, Practice Supervisor and Assessor and a General Practice Nurse until I retired in Dec 2020.

I returned and now work part time as a DN supporting across the Community teams. I support newly qualified nurses, newly qualified DN SPQ nurses and provide personal development support for other individuals within the teams. I am a nurse prescriber and a supervisor/ assessor for pre- reg students. I was honoured to be awarded the Queen’s Nursing Award in 2013 and am also a QNI Aspiring Leader. 

I also deliver education as a Senior Lecturer to future District and Community Nurses; this gives me a unique perspective of both areas and enables me to understand the realistic pressures of service delivery daily. I feel that it is important to teach with compassion while being a positive role model, challenging students, and colleagues to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Supporting students in clinical practice while also teaching in the university helps to keep me relevant and authentic. I am passionate about community nursing and wish to encourage others to understand the value and uniqueness of this type of nursing.

Wellchild nurse
Wellchild/ Cardiff and Vale UHB

Rhian Greenslade is the Wellchild Community Complex Discharge/ Liaison Nurse, based in the Noah’s Ark Childrens hospital in Cardiff. Rhian has been Nursing for 30 years and has experience in adult medicine, Childrens community nursing and working in a school with children and young people who have moderate to severe learning and physical disabilities. Rhian has been in her current post for 11 years and is involved in the complex discharge planning of children and young people from the Childrens hospital in Cardiff to their home setting and this is within the mid to south wales area which covers 6 health boards. Rhian is passionate about her role in ensuring that children and young people are discharged in a timely and safe manor and appropriate support is offered or in place for discharge. Discharge planning is key for her group of patients and she has developed a complex discharge booklet to support the ward staff and a complex discharge pathway/ guideline is being developed for the Childrens Hospital. Her aim is to continue to improve the service and experiences of children and young people and their families who have prolonged admissions in the Childrens Hospital. Rhian Enjoys walking, running and yoga.

Emeritus professor of nursing education
University of Nottingham

Dr Carol Hall is a Registered Nurse and Emeritus Professor in Nursing Education at the University of Nottingham, where she has supported many nursing students. Carol has extensive experience in the design, delivery and quality assurance of nursing education, through roles in curriculum development, validation and accreditation. She participates in teaching enhancement internationally through leadership and evaluation of funded projects. Carol was Education Forum Chair for the Royal College of Nursing (2006 - 2015) and Vice President of the Federation of European Nurse Educators (2012 - 2018). She chaired pilot panels for Nursing and Allied Health during the development of the UK Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF 2018, 2019) and recently co-chaired International Standards Organisation (ISO) panel ‘Quality of learning environments for students in healthcare professions (IWA35: 2020). Carol is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (Nursing and Midwifery) and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Independent nurse consultant and programme lead
MindWorks London

Chris is a nurse consultant and educator, now specialising in suicide orevention and risk assessment in prison healthcare, both as a practitioner and educator. He is the author of four nursing books and has a second edition of his landmark 'A Pocket Guide to Risk Assessment and Management in Mental Health' due for publication in December 2023. A three time winner of Student Nursing Times Awards for teaching innovation and partnership working, Chris has presented his work across the UK and internationally.

Practice educator
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

My first job was as a Healthcare Assistant in a hospital, and now I work as an educator at Great Ormond Street Hospital. My passion for teaching began early in my career. This motivated me to finish courses to gain a basic understanding of how to best teach and support peers, colleagues, and students. I took on many students and new starters to consolidate what I had learned, which I thoroughly enjoyed. When a seconded position in education became available in our Department, I jumped at the chance because I knew I was the right fit. I now work as a Practice Educator, primarily with our fee-paying and apprenticeship students

Community learning disability nurse
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Chloe Hawkins, former student editor for the nursing times 21-22, winner of a Student Nursing Times Award. Now a registered nurse working for Northumbria Healthcare as a community learning disability nurse in the enhanced forensic PBS pathway and completing my Masters degree in Autism at Northumbria University

Chief nursing & midwifery officer
East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Sarah joined North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust as Chief Nurse in December 2019. She has over 17 years’ experience at senior management and leadership level in nursing, operational, and corporate leadership within the NHS and has spent many years working in North London. Sarah has worked across both hospital and community settings as Deputy Chief Nurse at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and before that as Deputy Chief Nurse at Whittington Health. She has been awarded the title of Queen’s Nurse. Sarah is committed to keeping patients at the centre of their pathway of care and the provision of high quality services. She is extremely passionate about supporting nurses, midwives and AHPs to develop and progress.

CEO & chief admiral nurse
Dementia UK
Course director, learning disability nursing
University of East Anglia

Kirsty is a lecturer in health sciences and the lead for learning disability practice at the University of East Anglia. She is the module organiser for Advanced Learning Disability Practice (post registration) and for Complexity and Innovation in Nursing Practice in the pre-registration nursing programme. A registered nurse for people with a learning disability (RNLD) with a clinical career focussed on community healthcare for people with a learning disability, Kirsty has a clinical and academic interest in reducing health inequalities and in effective communication strategies. Kirsty teaches across a wide range of pre and post registration programmes, using her expertise to supporting learners to develop confidence in their practice and their individual strengths. She holds a Senior Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy and is studying for her professional doctorate in health and social care.

Education and quality lead for glasgow clinical research facility
Glasgow Clinical Research Facility/UKCRFN Education work group chair
Group deputy chief nurse and cnio
Barts Health NHS Trust

Professor Louise Hicks is the CNIO and Director of Development at Barts Health NHS Trust, London. She is an experienced NHS and academic leader. Her roles in education have reached students at all levels and multiple disciplines in health. She has specialised in nursing informatics and has an international background in ED and Trauma. She was awarded the UK Digital Health CNIO of the Year in 2022. Louise is passionate about the NHS, inclusion and generating new solutions, leading with care and making a positive difference in health outcomes with and for our communities.

Project manager rbcs
Foundation of Nursing Studies

Sue Hill trained at Guy’s Hospital and was one of the last students to qualify as a State Registered Nurse (SRN). After various staff nurse roles, she qualified as a district nurse which led to a lifelong love of community nursing. In 2014 she was awarded the title Queen’s Nurse by the Queen’s Nursing Institute. Sue was the chair of RCN District and Community Nursing Forum until December 2023. She has held national roles within the Institute of innovation and Improvement, NHS England and Health Education England.During her career, she has led many workforce transformation and improvement initiatives. She is passionate about student nurse education and worked with many higher education institutions in the South East Region. She was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Winchester in 2023. Sue currently works for the Foundation of Nursing Studies on their Resilience Based Clinical Supervision programme.

Deputy head of school- nursing and midwifery
University of Bolton

Currently the Deputy Head of School for Nursing and Midwifery at The University of Bolton. Mark originally completed his nurse training at St Martins College in Lancaster and Lancaster University.  Clinically, Mark worked in surgical care and specialised in orthopaedics and Trauma working predominantly in North Lancashire and South Lakes at Morecambe Bay NHS Trust.


Mark has worked in higher education since 2010 working in the UK, and abroad, at Leeds Beckett University, University of Salford and Rushmore Business School Mauritius where he developed and taught CPD. Internationally Mark has developed pre-registration nursing education leading the development of the first UK undergraduate nursing programme that led to professional registration with the Nursing Council of Mauritius. 

Lead nurse-integrated clinical team manager
Newport Pagnell Medical Centre

Debbie Hughes’ 42-year career in the NHS includes A and E and mainly General Practice nursing. She has been Lead nurse at Newport Pagnell Medical Centre for 11 years. There are a large team of nurses and allied health professionals, and Debbie is part of the Practice Management team, where she leads on clinical safety and quality. Debbie regularly attends patient safety meetings at our CCG, she is also the Lead Clinician for their PCN. They are a training Practice for GPs, Medical students and Student nurses. They usually have around 8-10 student nurses a year gaining experience in the community setting. She believed that students enrich our working life, constantly challenge what we do, the way we work and the way we think. Debbie is immensely proud that they won The Nursing Times, Student Community placement award in 2018 and is honoured to be asked to judge for a second year.

Community nurse
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Clive Jackson was the winner of a Student Nursing Times Award. He has been working in health care for twenty-nine years and has many years of experience in Community Nursing. He did his nurse training at Plymouth University in 1999-2002. He has worked at Derriford Hospital in elderly care and in the Surgical Day Case unit. He has also worked in Surgical recovery in Exeter, Cardiff and Lincoln. Before joining the district nursing team in Torfaen in 2017.

Newly qualified nurse - eating disorders nurse
Leicester Partnership Trust

Winner of a Nursing Times Award. Bethan is now a graduate from the University of Leicester Nursing School and is currently training as a newly qualified nurse to become a specialist Eating Disorder Nurse for Leicester's CAMHS Service. The research placement she helped develop is now a full placement that students can opt to do as a four-week elective in their local area, and Bethan continues her passion for research and evidence-based practice and is hoping to publish some of her work.

Lecturer (teaching and scholarship)
School of Health Sciences, University of Dundee

As a previous winner of the Student Nursing Times Awards, I am delighted to return as a Judge for this year’s Awards. I believe that empowering students to create positive change within their University experiences is ultimately a cornerstone of creating better, safer patient care once qualified. It is a real privilege to learn about the nominees and their incredible achievements. Having worked in an Emergency Department throughout the pandemic, I currently work as a Lecturer in the University of Dundee, with the aim of continuing work on improving student education and overall experiences.

College academic lead for nursing – associate professor
Birmingham City University
Head of nursing - mental health
Walsall Healthcare Trust & The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

I am currently Head of Nursing for Mental Health for Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust and The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust. I have been a Mental Health nurse for over 10 years. I trained at Birmingham City University and was awarded student mental health nurse of the year for the student nursing times awards in 2013. I started my career of in BSMHFT within speciality services, I have also worked within RAID, HTT, Liaison Services, Inpatient acute, Bed Management and Community Services for Mental Health. I have developed through my career taking every opportunity and developed into my current role as Head of Nursing for Mental Health for Walsall Healthcare Trust and The Royal Wolverhampton. I was privileged to be awarded the British Journal of Nursing, Silver award for Mental Health nurse of the year in 2023. I am committed to providing excellence in care for our patients and support whole heartedly the importance of the future work force and I am proud to be a part of the Student Nursing Times Awards this year.

Deputy chief nurse
The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
Registered nursing associate
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Tarnia Lefevre is a Registered Nursing Associate, specialising in mental health services for Deaf adults. She was named Nursing Associate Trainee of the year in 2021 and since this time has used the award to highlight the needs of her client group. As the Disability Equality Champion for her Trust, Tarnia has a strong desire to see equality of access at the top of all healthcare professional’s agendas. She sees the Nursing Associate role as fulfilling a vital part in the nursing family, with teams, patients and carers benefitting from their training in all four fields of nursing.

Associate professor (nursing)
Kingston University

Lucie is an Associate Professor (Nursing) within the School of Nursing at Kingston University and St George’s University of London and is the lead for the Foundation Degree Nursing Associate. She has been involved with the Nursing Associate programme since it was first introduced, and was the Course Director for one of the first wave pilot programmes. Lucie led the team which won the Student Nursing Times Award in 2019 for Nursing Associate Training Programme Provider of the Year. Lucie continues to teach on a number of modules within the Foundation Degree Nursing Associate, as well as across the BSc and MSc programmes within the School of Nursing, with a particular focus on Acute and Critical Care.

Head of service-continuing healthcare (chc)
Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB

Julia Lyme currently works as a Continuing Healthcare Clinical Service Manager for West Essex ICB specialising in the management of complex patients within the community. Julia holds a wealth of experience and specialist knowledge relating to the management of complex long term conditions, in addition to her oncology nursing and palliative care experience which was cemented while working at a senior level at Guys & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Julia is a current member of the NHS Leadership Academy having previously led a team of nurses to achieve GSF accreditation during her time in nursing home management

Warrant officer - unit welfare officer
Royal Air Force

A serving member of Princess Mary’s Royal Air Force Nursing Service (PMRAFNS), Jo’s enthusiasm for unpredictability and high tempo demands saw her specialise in emergency nursing and has seen her work in numerous locations all over the world, providing high quality nursing care. With a passion for developing others, she moved into a prominent educational post at Birmingham City University before being selected for a secondment to the Florence Nightingale Foundation in the role of Head of Nursing Leadership Scholarships and Programmes. Working as part of the Defence Medical Academy and following these fantastic opportunities, Jo is continuously inspired to develop and promote leadership in the nursing and healthcare cadre. Her current role as Welfare Officer allows her to nurture healthcare professionals of the future through a different pathway than previously experienced.

Director of simulation and skills development - department of health sciences
Brunel University London

Sam has worked in education for over 19 years, 13 of them in Academia supporting the skills and simulation sessions across Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health programmes. She has a Masters in Medical and Healthcare Simulation, is the first Technician to be a National Executive Committee member of the Association of Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH), and led on all things technical including Technicians professional registration with The Science Council. Sam is also the first simulation technician to be awarded Chartered Scientist recognition. Sam is a multi- award-winner, including being a former winner of the SNTA innovation category for the Dementia Simulation in 2018. Sam is passionate about the use of innovative teaching techniques to enhance student learning, and was responsible for embedding moulage, the art of applying wounds for training purposes, into curricula.

Senior lecturer
Plymouth Marjon University
Senior lecturer
London South Bank University
Director of education
Queen's University Belfast School of Nursing and Midwifery and WAVE

Director of Education Queens University Belfast and 2022 Winner of Partnership of the Year with Wave a Cross Community Charity in Northern Ireland. This partnership involves Citizen Trainers who have experienced trauma as a result of the Troubles teaching Student Nurses about the impact of Trauma in their lives which is highly beneficial for both.

Lecturer in adult nursing
University of Southampton

Phoebe is an adult nursing lecturer with public health and cancer care expertise. Phoebe started nursing in intensive care before moving to a career as a research nurse in oncology and haematology. After completing a Master's in Advanced Nursing, Phoebe was awarded the post-registration learner of the year award at the 2018 Student Nursing Times Awards and has been judging since. She has also travelled to China to pursue a PhD in Public Health and began lecturing at Southampton in January 2023.

Queen's University Belfast

Gary is a registered nurse and reader at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen's University Belfast. Gary has published a book, written more than 80 peer-reviewed articles in healthcare journals and presented at a range of international conferences. In his role as reader, he is responsible for teaching undergraduate/postgraduate nurses and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He holds the title of Queen’s Nurse and was awarded an MBE for services to nursing and dementia in the 2023 King's Birthday Honours List.

London South Bank University

Dr Calvin Moorley RN, PhD is a Professor for Diversity & Social Justice, Nursing Department, London South Bank University. His research focuses on the interplay of gender, culture ethnicity and health. His secondary education was completed in Trinidad & Tobago his birth nation. Calvin, is the only UK editor for the Journal of Transcultural Nursing, a coach for the Council of Deans for Health 150Leaders programme, visiting Professor at University College Dublin, Ireland, a member for the Council of Deans for Health Anti-racist Advisory Group and Chair for the Chief Nursing Officer (England) Shared Professional Decision-Making Council for Research. Calvin developed the Dame Elizabeth Anionwu Lecture for Inclusivity in Nursing & Midwifery and launched the awards for inclusivity in Nursing and Midwifery in October 2022. A key objective of Calvin’s programme of work is to reduce the gap in health inequities through developing and improving cultural competence and developing a Centre for Inclusivity.

A&e staff nurse
Salford Royal (The Northern Care Alliance)

My journey in the NHS started with becoming a porter for 6 months then I moved into theatre as a healthcare assistant for 6 years. I am now a newly qualified nurse working in Salford Royal Emergency Department. I was shortlisted for student nurse innovation in practice in 2023 and won this category, which is still giving me goosebumps when I think about it. I am extremely excited about seeing the innovations other students have came up with in the 2024 awards.

Registered midwife
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

During my studies I was able to advocate for causes that I am passionate about contributing to the improvement of maternity services for Black, Asian and Minority ethnic clients. My advocacy led me to win the Student Nursing Times Awards 2023 which was a great honour and brilliant end to my final year as a student midwife. 

Professor of pharmacology education for health
University of Nottingham

Alison Mostyn is Professor of Pharmacology Education for Health and Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. Alison has led pharmacology teaching on Nursing and Midwifery UG programmes and Non-Medical Prescribing courses. Alison comes from a basic science background and has taught on many professional programmes including Human and Veterinary Medicine. Alison has led the development of pharmacology content in the BSc Nursing programme, developing students for final year “preparing to prescribe” content and future Nurse prescribing post-registration qualifications. Alison also has interests in digital learning and assessment.

Head of clinical products mangement
Black Country Alliance - Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust and The Dudley Group

Clare Nash is a registered nurse, and Head of Clinical Products Management for the Black Country Alliance - Sandwell and West Birmingham and Dudley Group of Hospitals Trusts. She is a member of the NHS England Sustainable Procurement Group, chairs the Midlands Clinical Procurement Sustainability Group, The Black Country and West Birmingham ICS Greener Care group, and works with Royal College of Nursing and UK Health Alliance on Climate Change to support clinicians in delivering greener healthcare. She has recently authored papers entitled “Time to act: what nurses can do to reduce the environmental burden of PPE” and “Is it really greener, a tool for choosing sustainable clinical products ” and is passionate about sharing the small changes nursing and healthcare staff can make to reduce the NHS carbon footprint. She has been a clinical procurement nurse specialist for 7 years, and is passionate about using her role to improve the sustainability of health and social care.

School of nursing and midwifery apprenticeship manager
University of Bolton

I have a clinical background of 13 years within Adult Intensive Care, initially as a staff nurse with progression to Sister. I have an academic background of 5 years, initially as a lecturer in nursing education, then Programme Lead of the Part Time Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship programme, and now School Apprenticeship Manager. My main responsibilities include recruitment for apprenticeship programmes within the School of Nursing and Midwifery, alongside ensuring quality and compliance with apprenticeship standards and regulatory bodies.

Lead clinical nurse advisor and sustainability champion - care pathway team

Has been a nurse since 1997 working primarily in Theatres and Anaesthetics until joining NHS Supply Chain in 2016.

Developed a keen interest in Sustainability alongside clinical procurement activity and product purchase decision making through working with NHS partners.

Speaker on subject at the first Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare Conference held in 2022 and was published in Nursing Times around experiences in procurement and sustainability linking nurses and the importance their role has in this. 


Managing director
Goal Mind

Ruth Oshikanlu MBE is a multi- award-winning expert Queen’s nurse, midwife and health visitor with vast experience in delivering secondary and primary healthcare services in the public, voluntary and independent sectors. She is a nurse entrepreneur, author, speaker, mentor and coach. She is a Churchill Fellow, Fellow of the Institute of Health Visiting, Royal College of Nursing, The Royal Society of Arts, Royal Social for Public Health. In 2020/21, to celebrate The Year of The Nurse & Midwife, Ruth created a platform Nurses&Midwives Talk, to showcase the contribution of nurses and midwives, especially during the COVID19 pandemic. She has interviewed 380 nurses and midwives from around the globe.

Registered nurse
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay & University of Cumbria

Cherish is the proud winner of a Student Nursing Times  Award. Finishing the Nurse Degree Apprenticeship with a first-class honour, Cherish was further awarded the Jim Cox Prize for most Inspirational Student and top achievement, the Spirit of Cumbria awarded by the University of Cumbria. Ambassador for charity One Woman At a Time and active member of the Black, Asian & Ethnic Minority group at her trust, Cherish has been listed in the Top 50 most influential Black, Asian and Minority ethnic people in health, the rising stars.

Staff nurse
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

I started my registered post in AMU developing a wide range of skills within acute fast paced environment. I am currently working in Haematology-oncology developing skill in administration of Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy and Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants. I have also just completed a module in Principles of Haemato-Oncology Care at Masters level and keen to continue in completing modules to contribute to Masters Qualification.

Deputy director of education, research and innovation
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

Julia has extensive education leadership experience within the NHS in community, specialist and secondary care and has also worked in a university setting as a lecturer/module lead for child public health. She currently chairs the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS Collaborative Education Forum and is a member of the People Board She is a Florence Nightingale Foundation Aspiring Director Scholar, a Registered Nurse, has been a Midwife and is a Specialist Community Public Health Practitioner/ Health Visitor and Non-medical prescriber. She has a BA in Health Studies, a BSC in Public Health, a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Education - on NMC register as a Practice Teacher/Lecturer and a Master Degree in Education which involved undertaking a national research study She is also a qualified Coach and Mentor for the Leadership Academy Julia is passionate about education and research and believes that it underpins high quality patient care and delivery of innovative services.

College academic lead - teaching excellence and student experience
Birmingham City University

Stephanie is currently the interim quality enhancement lead and one of the Associate Professors within the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Birmingham City University. Stephanie has had different roles within Birmingham City University which include Senior Lecturer in Children and Young People’s Health and as a Course Lead for two of the Nursing provisions within the School, MSc and MSci Nursing. Stephanie and colleagues from Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Foundation Trust won the Partnership of the Year award in 2019 for the delivery of Theory into Practice

Senior lecturer
Manchester Metropolitan Univeristy

Manju is an experienced senior University Lecturer, NHS manager, leader, and quality analyst with international experience in clinical research and innovation, with a background in healthcare management, business development and project management. She has contributed to the development and implementation of network wide policies, strategies, business plans, systems, processes and initiatives. She has also taken the lead role in supporting the development, planning, delivery, management, promotion and sustainability of the Continuous Improvement (CI) work stream within Greater Manchester Clinical Research Network and nationally. Manju is the Northwest lead for the Chief Nursing Officers Strategic Advisory Committee and British Indian Nurses Association (BINA). She is also the international lead for her university Department.

District nurse/ project management - nursing

Candice is an experienced District Nurse with the Specialist Practitioner Qualification in District Nursing and holds the Practice Educator and Independent Nurse Prescribing qualifications. Candice became a Queen’s Nurse in 2007 (The Queen’s Nursing Institute) and has been very involved in contributing to national policy documents over the past fourteen years. Candice worked with the QNI as a Transition Project Manager and undertook a two year project funded by The Burdett Trust for Nursing, working on a Young People’s Transition of Care project that focussed on empowering community clinicians and educators to support young people transitioning from Children’s Services to Adult Community Services. Candice is a member of the Burdett National Transition Nursing Network Advisory Group and represents “Community” within the group. Candice is currently working with NHSP/PHE as a Clinical Caseworker with the Covid-19 Test and Trace programme.

Academic midwife
Coventry University

In 2021 Dr Pezaro won the 'Partnership Working' award from the Royal college of midwives and a 'Midwives Award' from the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust. In 2019, Dr Pezaro was honoured with a first prize award from the Royal Society of Medicine in 'Leading and inspiring excellence in maternity care' and was also first runner-up for the British Journal of Midwifery's 'Midwife of the Year' 2019.

Vice president education and welfare officer
Buckinghamshire New University

My name is Amy and I am a winner of a Student Nursing Times Award which I was very shocked but absolutely delighted. I'm passionate about supporting others which is why I choose to run in my students union election to which I was victorious as Vice president education and welfare for 2 satellite campuses at Buckinghamshire New University.

Nurse lecturer
Brunel University
Lecturer in pre-qualifying healthcare
University of Derby

Stephen transitioned into Higher Education in 2020 following a role in Emergency Care within the NHS. His interests include interprofessional practice education and the use of evidence-based technology to improve health and care.

Senior lecturer in academic development and inclusivity
Sheffield Hallam

Ifrah has a keen interest in race equity and is the founder of the Nursing and Midwifery Minoritised group and is leading on the development of minoritised student groups in all departments across the institution. Ifrah is undertaking a Doctorate to explore the transition experience of Global Ethnic Majority student nurses into university. Recently Ifrah was awarded Academic Staff of the Year and a Nursing Times finalist for Educator of The Year. Ifrah’s work around race equity has led her to work with regional and national groups and is also a member of the Council of Deans (Health) Anti- racism Advisory group

Senior lecturer
London South Bank University

Mynesha Sankar has a background in Acute Respiratory Medicine and Practice Education. Currently a Senior lecturer, who teaches both pre- and post-registration modules. Her passions revolve around teaching acute and complex care, as well as the care of deteriorating patients and biosciences. Throughout her tenure at LSBU, she has assumed various roles, including Cohort Leader, Lead Link Lecturer, Course Director, and Interim Deputy Head of Division for Adult Nursing. Her research interest centres on exploring the Theory-Practice Gap in nursing and midwifery students’ education, decolonising the curriculum and critical pedagogy.

Public representative
ISMEDICA / TwistMedical
Paediatric nurse
Barts Health NHS Trust
Team leader & specialist practitioner
Haringey Learning Disability Partnership

Currently employed by Whittington NHS Health as a Team Leader and Specialist Practitioner with Haringey Learning Disability Partnership. James is a registered Learning Disability Nurse since 2004 and Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP). He is the very proud winner of the SNTA Mentor of the Year Award 2019. He says that it is an absolute privilege to be involved in the judging for SNTA again this year and he is excited to hear about all the amazing and inspiring work that is being done Nursing colleagues.

Deputy subject leader nursing
University of Northampton

Ruth is Deputy Subject Leader and Nursing Associate Programme Lead at the University of Northampton. She is also a part time professional doctorate student completing her undergraduate BA(Hons) and post graduate MSc at Oxford Brookes University. She has had a varied clinical career working across acute and specialist general medicine, surgery and intensive care. Her interests are workbased learning particularly focusing on non-supernumerary learning for nursing associate apprentices and simulation learning.

Principal lecturer pre-reg nursing
Institute of Health

After qualifying as an Adult Nurse Lisa worked in Intensive Care and later Accident and Emergency, before moving to Clinical Skills Education where she further developed her interest in clinical education. In Feb 2015, Lisa joined the University of Cumbria as a Senior lecturer in Emergency and Urgent Care and is now the Principal Lecturer responsible for the pre-reg nursing programmes.

Education lead
NHS Professionals

Sharon Smith is an Education lead with NHS Professionals with specific responsibility for the Health Care Support Worker Development Programme. She is Registered Nurse and Health visitor, and a highly experienced academic within healthcare education. Sharon is committed to providing high quality professional education and pastoral care for our HCSWD Learners to ensure the delivery of safe, high quality and compassionate care. Sharon contributes to wider educational and research projects within the NHSP Academy, HEE and HEIs. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member and author for the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Children and Family Health.

Senior partner
Moore Barlow Lawyers

Trevor Sterling is the Chair of the Mary Seacole Trust and Senior Partner at Moore Barlow. Trevor was a trustee of the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal (MSMSA) which successfully campaigned for the erection of the Mary Seacole statue at St Thomas’s Hospital In London in 2016. The statue was the first bronze statue of a named black female in the UK. Trevor became the first Chair of the renamed charity and the first black Senior Partner of a top 100 law firm. The Trust aims include raising awareness of Mary Seacole, promoting her as a role model and promoting diversity in society. The Mary Seacole Trust has developed various legacy projects; including Diversity in Leadership and Education programmes, the trust is also responsible for maintenance of the statue and is engaged in partnerships with the Florence Nightingale Foundation and the Florence Nightingale Museum. In 2017, The Mary Seacole Trust also unveiled a memorial plaque at the grounds of St Thomas’s hospital dedicated to honour health workers who put themselves at risk during times of conflict or natural disasters and in 2021 presented a portrait of Mary Seacole to Guys hospital which is sited in Atrium 2.

Chief nursing officer
Wellington Hospital London

Awarded a CBE for nursing and healthcare in 2010, Janice has had an extensive and varied NHS career, with roles at all levels of the NHS. Beginning as an A/E nurse eventually becoming an Executive Director of Nursing In 2005 Janice reported to England’s Chief Nursing Officer at Deptament of Health leading and successfully delivering three high profile national programmes - reducing MRSA, C.difficile and elimination of mixed-sex accommodation. In 2012 Janice joined the newly formed Health Education as Managing Director of Health Education West Midlands and then as a national director overseeing the three LETB’s across Midlands and East,. She is proud of the work she has championed on widening participation and leading the Come Back Campaign for Nurses. In 2015 Janice was asked to support Barts Health and then Worcestershire Acute as their turnaround CNO. when they were placed in special measures. After a short break in 2018 Janice embarked on a new role as Chief Nurse at the UKs largest and most complex private hospital - The Wellington Hospital where she currently works

Head of clch academy
Central London Community Healthcare Trust
Scphn health visitor
Kent Community Health Foundation Trust

I am a registered Midwife and Health Visitor currently working with the health Visiting team at KCHFT in the East of Kent. I completed my MA in Healthcare in 2022 at the University of Greenwich and following this was very honoured to receive a Student Nursing Times Award. Since then I have been disseminating my work to my health care colleagues and raising awareness of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting. I am due to continue my academic journey and studies this year on the pre-doctoral bridging scheme with the NIHR.

Registered nurse / associate lecturer
University of East London

Registered Nurse, Associate Lecturer and currently working on the Global Sustainable Nursing Force (GSNF) programme to tackle shortage of nursing. He is also a winner of a Student Nursing Times Award, been named a finalist for the RCN Nursing Award in 2023 and been honoured as the University of East London's Volunteer of the Year for 2023.

Registered nurse
George Eliot Hospital

I am a newly qualified adult nurse and have just started working in an Emergency department. I won the a Nursing Times Award previously. I was a student editor for Nursing Times and have had work published in several other publications. I have spoken at nursing conferences and to school children, and I am passionate about using my voice to inspire others and to advocate for compassionate and inclusive healthcare. I am also interested in global healthcare and spent some time volunteering in a hospital in Kenya. 

Staff nurse: camhs
Forest House Psychiatric hospital, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Previous SNTA winner. Completed the BSc Child Nursing degree at London South Bank University, whilst being clinically host trusted at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Were previously involved in Health Education England as a Student Nurse, including the completion of the Council of Deans 150 leader's programme. Current position as a CAMHS nurse in Hertfordshire.

Dean of school - health, sport and bioscience
University of East London

Rob Waterson is the Dean of the School of Health, Sport and Bioscience at the University of East London (UEL). A healthcare education professional and practitioner with extensive experience working with multiple stakeholders across acute and primary care settings, Rob has been involved in apprenticeship programmes since 2016, and part of trailblazer groups developing the Nursing Associate role. Rob leads on new developments at UEL’s health campus, including technological innovations for the Hospital and Primary Care Training Hub. Rob has significant experience in workforce development and transformation, teamwork and inter-professional practice including creating strong professional relationships and experience in how partnerships contribute to a positive healthcare community.

General practice nurse/ research nurse
Vauxhall Health Centre

John is a newly qualified nurse working within primary care. He was one of last year's winners and has worked hard alongside his degree helping to raise awareness of social prescribing within pre reg students. John is now trying to make a change in his field and focusing on improving access to healthcare for all within general practice and is part of a team looking into various research projects for health improvement .

Nurse education consultant
Bill Whitehead Education Consultancy

Bill Whitehead is the co-founder of the national Clinical Nurse Educator Network. He qualified as a registered nurse in 1990 and has been specialising in academic clinical nurse education and education management since 2001. he is currently practising as a freelance education and research consultant.

Senior lecturer in adult nursing
Middlesex University

Laura Whitehead is a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing at Middlesex University. She has a background in Critical Care and has a specialist interest in Trauma, Neuro and Cardiac. Laura is a programme leader for the Apprenticeship programmes at Middlesex. She is also a podcast host for her podcast Navigating Nursing, which aims to inspire and educate students, Nurses and Nursing Associates.

Forensic cmhs team leader
NHS Forth Valley

Hi, my name is Katie, I'm the team leader of the Forensic community mental health service in NHS Forth Valley. Our team specialises in the care and treatment of mentally disordered offenders. Working hard to breakdown the stigma associated with forensic mental health and empower our patients to live a safe & fulling life in the community, one of which they feel supported throughout their recovery and valued as their own person.

Clinical fellow for nursing and midwifery

Louise is the 0-19 Research Lead at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, she is an experienced health visitor and practice educator, having obtained a Masters in Health Care Education. She has an interest in building research capacity in community-based nursing, with a specific focus on public health research for the benefit of babies, children, young people and families. Louise is currently on secondment to the NIHR Nursing & Midwifery office where she is leading on the RISE (Research In community SEttings) project which aims to identify the factors that enable successful research related initiatives for nurses and midwives in community settings.