Trevor Sterling, Moore Barlow Lawyers
Trevor Sterling
Senior partner
Moore Barlow Lawyers

Trevor Sterling is the Chair of the Mary Seacole Trust and Senior Partner at Moore Barlow. Trevor was a trustee of the Mary Seacole Memorial Statue Appeal (MSMSA) which successfully campaigned for the erection of the Mary Seacole statue at St Thomas’s Hospital In London in 2016. The statue was the first bronze statue of a named black female in the UK. Trevor became the first Chair of the renamed charity and the first black Senior Partner of a top 100 law firm. The Trust aims include raising awareness of Mary Seacole, promoting her as a role model and promoting diversity in society. The Mary Seacole Trust has developed various legacy projects; including Diversity in Leadership and Education programmes, the trust is also responsible for maintenance of the statue and is engaged in partnerships with the Florence Nightingale Foundation and the Florence Nightingale Museum. In 2017, The Mary Seacole Trust also unveiled a memorial plaque at the grounds of St Thomas’s hospital dedicated to honour health workers who put themselves at risk during times of conflict or natural disasters and in 2021 presented a portrait of Mary Seacole to Guys hospital which is sited in Atrium 2.