Sue Hill, Foundation of Nursing Studies
Sue Hill
Project manager rbcs
Foundation of Nursing Studies

Sue Hill trained at Guy’s Hospital and was one of the last students to qualify as a State Registered Nurse (SRN). After various staff nurse roles, she qualified as a district nurse which led to a lifelong love of community nursing. In 2014 she was awarded the title Queen’s Nurse by the Queen’s Nursing Institute. Sue was the chair of RCN District and Community Nursing Forum until December 2023. She has held national roles within the Institute of innovation and Improvement, NHS England and Health Education England.During her career, she has led many workforce transformation and improvement initiatives. She is passionate about student nurse education and worked with many higher education institutions in the South East Region. She was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the University of Winchester in 2023. Sue currently works for the Foundation of Nursing Studies on their Resilience Based Clinical Supervision programme.