Debbie Hughes, Newport Pagnell Medical Centre
Debbie Hughes
Lead nurse-integrated clinical team manager
Newport Pagnell Medical Centre

Debbie Hughes’ 42-year career in the NHS includes A and E and mainly General Practice nursing. She has been Lead nurse at Newport Pagnell Medical Centre for 11 years. There are a large team of nurses and allied health professionals, and Debbie is part of the Practice Management team, where she leads on clinical safety and quality. Debbie regularly attends patient safety meetings at our CCG, she is also the Lead Clinician for their PCN. They are a training Practice for GPs, Medical students and Student nurses. They usually have around 8-10 student nurses a year gaining experience in the community setting. She believed that students enrich our working life, constantly challenge what we do, the way we work and the way we think. Debbie is immensely proud that they won The Nursing Times, Student Community placement award in 2018 and is honoured to be asked to judge for a second year.