Nurse Education Provider of the Year (post-registration)
Birmingham City University
Specialist community public health nursing
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing at BCU is a core post graduate course, where its supportive and highly driven team of lecturers, combined with the University's offerings as a whole, are excelling in providing ongoing education and continuing professional development that proves essential for nurses and midwives to progress and prosper once they are registered. Underpinned by research and evidence the SCPHN course provides a range of learning opportunities which encourage students to; become autonomous practitioners in public health; adopt a life course approach to their developing practice and to develop skills to effect change that reduce health inequalities.
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Creative education outside of the box
Evelina Education delivers a portfolio of courses that develop our staff post qualification. We have established and run a number of successful gateway courses leading to qualification in speciality. We thrive on being creative and embrace finding new ways of working. Our education team is pioneering and brave. We are driven to develop solutions to the challenges raised in modern day healthcare.
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trusty
Community multi-professional preceptorship programme
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust are the lead provider of mental health and learning disability services across Herefordshire and Worcestershire supporting children, adults and older people. We are the main provider of Integrated Community Services in Worcestershire, working alongside GPs, social care teams and the voluntary sector to deliver nursing and therapy services which keep people at home for as long as possible. These services support around 10,000 patients, and their efforts help avoid approximately 30 hospital admissions everyday. Our multi-professional preceptorship programme aims to support a variety of professionals who are new to practice.
Queen's University Belfast
Older person in care home settings
The PgCert Nursing Care of the Older Person in Care Home Settings programme offers a comprehensive curriculum co-designed by care home nurses. With a blend of face-to-face and remote learning, it focuses on clinical competencies and holistic care. The programme's success is evident in positive practice changes, Cavell Star Awards for 22% of graduates, and 27% pursuing MSc studies. The impactful one-day conference attested to transformative learnings, showcasing the program's commitment to excellence in care home nursing.
South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and Teesside University
Cancer internship programme
The Cancer Internship Programme is an innovative approach to providing career development opportunities for registered nurses aspiring to become cancer CNS’s by developing specialist knowledge and skills through working directly with cancer teams. The bespoke programme is a collaboration between two NHS Trusts, NHS England Workforce Training and Education and Teesside University. Funding enables interns to spend 1 day per week over 12 months with a cancer CNS team or in clinical placements in oncology/palliative care, supported by clinical mentors. Educational sessions provide knowledge and theory to underpin practice and formal accreditation is through the Teesside university cancer module.
University of Chester
Outreach Skills Clinic for Assessment (OSCA) – Social
The Outreach Skills Clinic for Assessment - Social (OSCA-S) project aims to embed simulation-based practice learning, education and assessment opportunities across Cheshire and Merseyside for Social Care staff and enhance existing opportunities for clinical skills development and knowledge. Creating safe, accessible, simulated learning environment for participants to be formatively assessed in the attainment of agreed procedural skills as presented in regulatory standards, for example, the NMC (2018) Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses including Skills Annexes from which they can then complete competencies within their organisation.