Lorraine Tinker, University hospital Sussex
Lorraine Tinker
Physical health nurse specialist in CAMHS integrated health and emotional wellbeing service
University hospital Sussex

Lorraine is registered sick children’s, adult nurse and mental health nurse. She has a Master’s in Health Psychology from City University and a BSc in Cancer Nursing. Lorraine held senior children’s nursing management roles from 2002 until retirement in 2024. She now works part-time in CAMHS in a children’s secure setting. Lorraine chaired the CYP group of the London Network for Nurses and Midwives, was a Vice Chair of the Association of Chief Children’s Nurses, was a steering committee member on the Royal College of Nursing’s CYP forum, and was a Fitness to practice panelist for the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Lorraine is a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Nurses. Lorraine enjoys travelling, having lived in Africa, the Middle East and worked in the Caribbean.